Gradle Init Java
Instead of starting a Java project using IntelliJ I experimented with the gradle
init plugin. Recall: gradle init --type java-library
. Originally, the idea was
to have an easy way to start a project for Java but frankly speaking using an IDE
already makes it easy enough. Although… I like being able to do gradle run
terminal to execute my code.
Generated build.gradle
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
// Use 'jcenter' for resolving your dependencies.
// You can declare any Maven/Ivy/file repository here.
dependencies {
// The production code uses the SLF4J logging API at compile time
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.21'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
The above build.gradle doesn’t make it easy to work with the project in IntelliJ. We have to make some modifications.
Modified build.gradle
- Add IDEA plugin: Generate idea project files.
- Add application plugin: Enable
gradle run
. - Set the main class to be executed.
apply plugin:'application'
mainClassName = "Main"
apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'java'
repositories {
// Use 'jcenter' for resolving your dependencies.
// You can declare any Maven/Ivy/file repository here.
dependencies {
compile gradleApi()
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.21'
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
After setting up, you can run gradle build
in terminal and open the project
in IntelliJ (I am using the community edition). After making modifications you
can execute the tests with gradle test
and execute the main program with
gradle run